7 Best Essential Oils To Treat Anxiety

Posted: November 14th, 2016

Essential oils have a variety of helpful uses, including reducing the symptoms of anxiety. There are a number of oils known to help with worries and tension. Many of these are used at a day spa for massage therapy sessions. Massage with essential oils is often sought by those who seek to manage stress and worries naturally.  


Lavender is a popular method for easing tension and helps to produce a calm, relaxed state of being. It can help with sleep, irritable mood, stress-related stomach problems and general feelings of anxiousness.


Like lavender, rose essential oil has a lovely scent and is used to help calm emotions and feelings of nervousness. It can be helpful for those with depression and panic attacks.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang is associated with feelings of happiness and optimism. Its uplifting effects make it a helpful addition to massage therapy and spa treatments.


This is one of the essential oils that may not be commonly used in households, but it has shown to help with enhancing self-awareness and feelings of tranquility and is an effective addition to day spa massage treatments.


Another helpful oil for anxiety is Bergamot. Bergamot has a floral smell and tasteand is often found in Earl Grey tea. It provides calming energy and can be helpful in the treatment of depression and worry.


Often used in spa treatments to provide feelings of inner peacefulness, chamomile can help to calm the thoughts and reduce feelings of irritability.


Frankincense is another oil that can be used in aromatherapy to induce calming and spiritual connectedness. It is frequently used for meditation as it helps to quiet the mind.

