Bringing Wellness to the Workplace

Posted: May 4th, 2018

Health and wellness are key factors in how people live. Medical experts have recommended healthy living tips for years. Now, more employers are realizing the many benefits that providing their employees with a wellness program can bring. Healthier employees miss less work and function more effectively while on the job. Some of the high costs of healthcare that workers would need to incur if they became ill or developed a chronic health condition decreases. Many adverse health conditions can be avoided with healthy living efforts. Some companies are discovering that hiring a massage therapist to provide therapeutic massages during employee lunchtimes or breaks can relieve job stress tension and promote healthy relaxation in their appreciative employees.  The food that people eat helps to determine their overall health. Some employers hire a nutritionist to give important healthy eating tips and nutritional information. Many employers are also rethinking the typical vending machines that are often found in workplaces. Some companies are providing healthy snacks, drinks and lunch items in their workplaces. When companies initiate a wellness program, the employees often participate. Many businesses have seen their provided healthcare benefit costs drop due to improved employee health as a direct result from strategic workplace health and wellness programs.   Companies are offering their employees extra perks like a relaxation promoting session with a qualified massage therapist or skincare guidance from a skincare specialist. The small costs of hiring a trained nutritionist, skincare expert or a professional massage therapist is far outweighed by the amazing positive health results that the employees gain. Healthy living is a popular topic in many workplaces around the world. Not only do the employees feel better as their overall physical, mental and emotional health and wellness significantly improve, they are also inclined to continue a workplace wellness program at home.

