Seeking a Massage Therapist for Preventative Massage

Posted: July 23rd, 2012

Massage is a widely used therapeutic remedy to prevent and relieve pain in various parts of the body. Different types of massages provide different benefits. The Swedish massage is a treatment used on the entire body that utilizes lotion or oils to work the top layers of the muscles. Deep tissue massage is effective for relief of chronic tension throughout the body using pressure on the deep layers of muscles and tissue. Massage therapists that specialize in Chinese bodywork use techniques that can manipulate certain acupressure points throughout the body. Many individuals choose massage therapy for relaxation; however, it can also be used to prevent aches, pains or injury. Injury in sports activities is common among athletes and can hinder the ability to participate. Those who participate in sports regularly can benefit from various massage techniques to reduce their risk of injury. In addition, a therapeutic sports massage can also help improve performance and is an important routine for many athletes. Injury prevention is not only important for athletes but for everyone who participates in everyday living activities. Tight muscles can put significant strain on ligaments and tendons. Circulation becomes compromised and increases the risk of injury to the muscles. Deep tissue massage can improve circulation and supply the proper nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. Maintaining optimal muscle health by reducing the stiffness in muscles can also help to improve posture. Similar to exercise, massage therapy can release chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that are helpful with moderating the amount of pain the body feels. Releasing endorphins is a more natural way to alleviate symptoms of pain without the use of medications. Massage therapy can also be beneficial in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Relaxation is important to reduce stress and lower levels of stress are typically associated with lower levels of anxiety. Individuals can reduce their risk of developing cardiovascular and other severe medical conditions by receiving massages on a regular basis. Individuals who specialize in massage therapy can identify specific areas of the body that need the most stimulation. They can offer strong-handed massages or soft massages to make the massage as comfortable as possible for the client. Most massage therapists are aware that a serene environment is essential for their clients to receive the maximum benefits from massage therapy.

