Using Massage to Treat Cellulite and Stretch Marks
Posted: August 13th, 2012
Massage therapy is well known for its stress relief and muscle relaxation qualities. But massage therapy can also be used to prevent stretch marks and as a cellulite treatment. Massage helps to smooth out the fatty tissue that makes up cellulite. In addition to the massage, the massage therapist will use special oils with herbs and supplements that are known to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite on the buttocks and thighs can cause some women to have a poor body image. And unlike other kinds of fat on the body, there isn't much that exercise can do to reduce cellulite. Massage can be a very beneficial alternative to the more extreme measure of liposuction. Massage is also useful for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. To prevent or remove stretch marks for many women is a challenge. Stretch marks occur after sudden weight gain such as after a pregnancy. The massage therapist uses massage and a combination of can oils and lotions to greatly reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Over time, the marks become very faint and can even disappear completely. The increase in blood flow, as well as the physical nature of the massage, can help reduce the appearance of surface skin imperfections by helping the body heal itself.If you are anticipating a pregnancy or are already pregnant, massage can also reduce some of the problems of stretch marks. It can also relax sore muscles such as the back and feet that are greatly affected by an increase in weight from being pregnant.