We Appreciate You!
Posted: February 16th, 2015
Wouldn't you like to wake up every morning and feel really good about going to your work place? Not everyone can say "Wow, I really love my job". Most of us work because we have to. Someone's got to pay the bills. A lot of times we have to take a job even if it's not really what we want to do. But if you go to work every day, why not make the best of it and do a good job? Some jobs are just a stepping stone to another job. We do what we have to do in this economy to survive. Do a good job and hopefully you will be appreciated and maybe even rewarded. Who knows, maybe even a better job offer will come out of all your hard work and be recognized. Think positive! Employers also have a tough time finding the right employees for their staff. They also go through transitions to fill their needs. Both sides deal with stress on a daily basis. Massage therapy is great for achieving stress relief. Relaxation is very important to function in your work life and home life. There has to be a balance in order to stay healthy. Meditation is another way of learning to relax. Believe it or not, there really are employers who care about their employees and their well being. A smart employer will demonstrate appreciation and rewards to good employees. I believe you will get more out of your employees when they feel respected and appreciated. There are many ways of doing this.We Appreciate You!!
- Day spa treatments for the group, or a massage gift certificate
- Chair massages at the office by a licensed massage therapist
- A once a month pizza party luncheon, deli sandwiches, or ice cream social.
- Free movie tickets
- Company picnic
- Flexible hours, casual Friday
- Breakfast from the boss
- Monthly birthday cake celebrations
- Day off with pay!