What to Expect with a Hand Spa Treatment

Posted: February 11th, 2013

Pampering Hand Treatment

Individuals can experience a specialized hand spa treatment at a local day spa in their neighborhood. If you have never visited a spa, then expect pampering from the staff. The skin on hands is frequently rough and dry. This is because our hands are used constantly for everything we do at work and at home. This means the skin on hands is exposed to dirt, sun and pollutants. One of the first things that other individuals notice about us is our hands. Day spas offer an assortment of luxurious therapies such as massages, pedicures and others.

Warm Stone Treatment

While at a spa, you can also have a specialized hand treatment from an experienced aesthetician. As you walk into a spa, expect to be greeted by its staff. The aestheticians will have detailed printed information about their services. Staff will also be happy to answer questions, or make recommendations about a hand spa treatment. There are warm stone therapies combined with aromatic lotions that are massaged on the skin of the hands. Clients can choose organic fragrances with herbal, spice or floral essences. Small warmed stones are placed on both hands to allow heat to relax and soothe sore muscles and tendons.

Paraffin Hand Treatment

Individuals often have professional spa manicures, but neglect the skin of their hands. Another great hand treatment to expect at a spa is a hot wax therapy. This is a soothing antiaging moisturizing treatment. The aesthetician will prepare a container of warm fragrant paraffin. As your hands rest in the hand bath, the warmed paraffin will seep into the pores of the skin to release toxins. The wax adds moisture to the skin while reducing wrinkles caused by aging. This relaxing treatment helps to create more youthful skin texture while eliminating dryness. CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW SPACE COAST MASSAGE ON TWITTER

