Why You Should Hydrate After Massage Therapy

Posted: June 7th, 2019

Spa Day Doesn't Have to End When You Leave: Proper Post-Spa Care


All About Massage Therapeutics

Massage therapy has a positive impact on reducing stress levels and easing the mind of people living in the busy 21st century. Massage therapies go back thousands of years and have diverged into many branches of practice. The underlying concept of a massage that you can get from your local day spa is to manipulate the body in such a way to increase blood and lymph flow to different areas of your body. Manipulation of the body's circulatory system helps remove toxins that might not be getting the proper blood and lymph flow it needs to drain correctly. The function of the circulatory system which includes the blood and the lymph is to provide transport of nutrients and water to different parts of the body and also help drain the metabolites from the body's natural biological processes. Going to your local day spa is more than just a mental health day. Massaging can help remove the body of its toxic metabolites. 

Health Benefits

Spa treatments are more than just the 45 minutes you spend on the table. It's crucial after the therapy to drink plenty of water. Water is the bodies natural solvent meaning it helps dissolve the toxic metabolites stored in the body and helps it transport it to the blood, kidneys, and eventually the urine. The immune system has its circulatory system called lymph, which also uses water as its natural solvent. When the immune system is working optimally, the body can fight infection and disease better. So water is an essential part of our immunity. 

Prolonging Massage Benefits

Dehydration can become a severe health issue. When our body lacks the volume of water, it needs to dissolve toxic metabolites, the concentration of these toxins mathematically increase. The more concentrated the toxins are in comparison to the amount of water we store in our body, the more havoc these metabolites can cause. Lymphatic massage is excellent for moving these metabolites, but in a dehydrated state, the body can't work optimally. Detoxification is therefore dependent on getting plenty of water not only after a spa day but throughout your daily living. 

Exploring More

Getting more information on proper hydration and other things you can do can always be asked of your licensed massage therapist. Therapists have trained in understanding not only adequate technique but how to take care of your body once you leave the spa. Massages are both beneficial for the mind, body, and soul.

